At LAM-X we unlocked the full potential of nanofibers by adding light-activated antimicrobial properties. Our textiles excel at eliminating microbial threats without the use of heavy metals or toxic chemicals.
Founded in Prague in 2020.
Our technology
Our technology is composed of a very dense dense network of nanofibers that effectively prevents the penetration of pathogens. Encapsulated into each nanofiber there is an active component that activates a sterilization process when light is shined upon it. This effectively eliminates any bacteria or viruses on the surface of the textile.
Main benefits
Our technology brings an EFFECTIVE and SAFE approach for dealing with microbial threats.
Superior safety
No toxicity on cells or skin irritation
No evidence of microbial resistance, technology for the future
High efficacy
Broad spectrum efficacy, including resistant bacteria
Our nanofibrous material can be adapted to different products in need of antimicrobial solutions. We offer B2B solutions to industries by combining it with the proper textile.
Wound care
Advanced wound care
Wound dressing
Open wounds and burns treatment
Water & air purifiers
Filters for water sanitation and medical devices, AC units
Water & air sanitation
Hospital textiles
Disposable hospital supplies
Surgical gowns, surgical masks,
surgical drapes
Healthcare workers & patients protection
Antimicrobial packaging
Healthcare & food packaging
Healthcare equipment & food protection
LAM-X in numbers
Efficacy against bacteria
Custom Nanofiber diameter (in nm)
Bacterial strains effectively tested
Our partners
LAM-X project "Nanofibrous materials with antimicrobial function activated by visible light" has been financed with the state support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic within the TREND Programme (FW04020054).
In 2022, the company LAM-X a.s. received support from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF), implemented through the Operational Programme "Research, Development and Education", through "Prague Smart Accelerator" project (reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0016956O). Support was provided for the preparation of the project proposal "Innovative bandages from photoactive material with antibacterial effect, making the treatment of chronic and poorly healing wounds more efficient" for Horizon Europe EIC Accelerator, the expected outcome was the submission of an application to this program. The project is co-financed by the European Union.
In 2020, the company LAM-X a.s. acquired support from the European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Programme "Prague - the Growth Pole of the Czech Republic", through 4th Prague Voucher call for innovation projects (reg. no. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_025/0000605). The support was aimed at the participation of the company LAM-X a.s. on the project "Active nanomaterials with antimicrobial function" implemented in Prague for the purpose of developing a photoactive nanofibrous material that is optimal in terms of spinnability in production conditions, mechanical properties, breathability and photoactive antimicrobial function. The expected output is a functional prototype. The project "Active nanomaterials with antimicrobial function" is co-financed by the European Union.